Briyani - The Royal Dish of India.
Biryani itself a royal dish, thus indulging ourself will give you, a royal experience. Basha's Durbar Biryani outlet at Chennai serves a flavorsome "Bhai Vettu Kalayana Style Biryani, that is totally worth to be relished. With a number of Biriyani restaurants in the city, one does not often find a resturant, which offers typical "Bhai Vettu Kalayana Style Biryani" Infact, Basha's Durbar Biryani restaurant offers, the best of both worlds, with influences from the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent firewood style Biryani, it has its own unique flavours and combinations that will surely satisfy your taste buds and appetite. We at Basha's Durbar Biryani, offer you an exclusive "Bhai Vettu Style Kalayana Biriyani" which treat your appetite crave for "Bhai Veetu Kalayana Biriyani" and you don't need to wait, for a next Bhai Veetu Kalayana occasion. Basha's Durbar Biryani restaurant offers you the same typical Bhai Veetu Biriyani ...